21 August 2013

Pushing Our Children (Repost from MamaBeGood)

Pushing Our Children
I find this to be true of my Tyke and myself, as well.  And even Mamma Beautiful, when I (the Daddy) push her, she resists.  There comes a time when one is ready to be pushed and can push oneself.  For most of us (NT and some of us Aspies, at least) the push of Army (or other military) bootcamp is a good push, at a good stage (post-adolescence).  Lesser pushes, through childhood and adolescence, can be very helpful, but it's hard to see what's Too-Much-Too-Soon! for the autist when one is pushing, and it's hard for us to communicate that Too-Much-Too-Soon!-ness when we're being pushed.

1 comment:

  1. I understand. (Bonita says i'm somewhere on the spectrum, and Zion definitely is) so I've seen these mechanisms at work in my family a lot.


I have no idea what this guy's talking about. Who comes up with this schtick anyway?